Three Letters 2: Hablis (2015) - Online sa prevodom - Zavali se!
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Three Letters 2: Hablis
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Three Letters 2: Hablis (2015) - online film sa prevodom

1.5 104 min

A young woman and her family, a smooth and happy life, turned into a nightmare by an old, ruined house. 2010 horror and thriller film that Arkın Aktaç has taken in his vision and directed. 3 Letters: Marid encountered intense interest of the audience and watched by about 140 thousand people. In the sequel, Murat Toktamışoğlu confronts the director and screenwriter in his chair while Karsmet Ekin Tekinbas, Cansu Fırıncı, Ezgi Fidanci and Elvan Albat are among the players.

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