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Ako još nemamo željeni rezultat, unesite samo naslov filma ili serije sa godinom, na primjer: Need for Speed 2014 ili takođe možete uneti IMDb kod koristeći primer: tt2369135 ili možete pronaći i glumce koristeći primer: Robert De Niro. Ukoliko traženi sadržaj ne postoji ili nemamo željeni film ili seriju, pošaljite nam na zahtev ovde.

aspiring musician

Nowhere Boy 7.1

Nowhere Boy

2009 98 min 0Film
Nowhere Boy
7.1200998 min
The drama tells the story of John Lennon's teenage years in Liverpool and the start of his journey to becoming a successful musician. The story also examines the impact on his early ...
Žanr: Drama
Clouds 8.2


2020 121 min 0Film
8.22020121 min
Young musician Zach Sobiech discovers his cancer has spread, leaving him just a few months to live. With limited time, he follows his dream and makes an album, unaware that it will soon ...
Žanr: Drama, Music