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Ako još nemamo željeni rezultat, unesite samo naslov filma ili serije sa godinom, na primjer: Need for Speed 2014 ili takođe možete uneti IMDb kod koristeći primer: tt2369135 ili možete pronaći i glumce koristeći primer: Robert De Niro. Ukoliko traženi sadržaj ne postoji ili nemamo željeni film ili seriju, pošaljite nam na zahtev ovde.


Identity Thief 5.8

Identity Thief

2013 111 min 0Film
Identity Thief
5.82013111 min
When a mild-mannered businessman learns his identity has been stolen, he hits the road in an attempt to foil the thief -- a trip that puts him in the path of a deceptively ...
Žanr: Comedy, Crime
Hostel 5.9


2006 94 min 0Film
5.9200694 min
Three backpackers head to a Slovakian city that promises to meet their hedonistic expectations, with no idea of the hell that awaits them.
Žanr: Horror
The Big Shave 7.0

The Big Shave

1967 6 min 0Film
The Big Shave
7.019676 min
A young man walks into a meticulously clean and sterile bathroom and proceeds to shave away hair, then skin, in an increasingly bloody and graphic bathroom scene. Many film critics ...
Žanr: Horror