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Ako još nemamo željeni rezultat, unesite samo naslov filma ili serije sa godinom, na primjer: Need for Speed 2014 ili takođe možete uneti IMDb kod koristeći primer: tt2369135 ili možete pronaći i glumce koristeći primer: Robert De Niro. Ukoliko traženi sadržaj ne postoji ili nemamo željeni film ili seriju, pošaljite nam na zahtev ovde.

deadbeat dad

Eileen 6.0


2023 98 min 0Film
6.0202398 min
During a bitter 1964 Massachusetts winter, young secretary Eileen becomes enchanted by Rebecca Saint John, the glamorous new counselor at the prison where she works. Their budding ...
Žanr: Crime, Drama
The Kid with a Bike 7.1

The Kid with a Bike

2011 87 min 0Film
The Kid with a Bike
7.1201187 min
Abandoned by his father, a young boy is left in the hands of an unqualified childcare provider.
Žanr: Drama
That's My Boy 5.7

That's My Boy

2012 116 min 0Film
That's My Boy
5.72012116 min
While in his teens, Donny fathered a son, Todd, and raised him as a single parent up until Todd's 18th birthday. Now, after not seeing each other for years, Todd's world comes crashing ...
Žanr: Comedy