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Ako još nemamo željeni rezultat, unesite samo naslov filma ili serije sa godinom, na primjer: Need for Speed 2014 ili takođe možete uneti IMDb kod koristeći primer: tt2369135 ili možete pronaći i glumce koristeći primer: Robert De Niro. Ukoliko traženi sadržaj ne postoji ili nemamo željeni film ili seriju, pošaljite nam na zahtev ovde.


Cemetery Man 6.9

Cemetery Man

1994 100 min 0Film
Cemetery Man
6.91994100 min
A cemetery man has the unusual problem of the dead rising from the grave. Himself and his assistant must end these creatures' lives again after they are reborn. Everything is going well ...
Žanr: Comedy, Horror
Boris – Il film 6.9

Boris – Il film

2011 108 min 0Film
Boris – Il film
6.92011108 min
A director and his crew attempt to make the transition from the small to the big screen.
Žanr: Comedy
The Name of the Rose 7.4

The Name of the Rose

1986 130 min 0Film
The Name of the Rose
7.41986130 min
14th-century Franciscan monk William of Baskerville and his young novice arrive at a conference to find that several monks have been murdered under mysterious circumstances. To solve ...
Žanr: Drama, Mystery