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Ako još nemamo željeni rezultat, unesite samo naslov filma ili serije sa godinom, na primjer: Need for Speed 2014 ili takođe možete uneti IMDb kod koristeći primer: tt2369135 ili možete pronaći i glumce koristeći primer: Robert De Niro. Ukoliko traženi sadržaj ne postoji ili nemamo željeni film ili seriju, pošaljite nam na zahtev ovde.

industrial revolution

Steamboy 6.8


2004 126 min 0Film
6.82004126 min
After receiving a package from his grandfather, Ray, a young inventor who lives in England during the mid-19th century, finds himself caught in the middle of a deadly conflict related ...
Modern Times 8.2

Modern Times

1936 87 min 0Film
Modern Times
8.2193687 min
A bumbling tramp desires to build a home with a young woman, yet is thwarted time and time again by his lack of experience and habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time..
Žanr: Comedy, Drama
Germinal 6.7


1993 160 min 0Film
6.71993160 min
It's mid 19th century, north of France. The story of a coal miner's town. They are exploited by the mine's owner. One day the decide to go on strike, and then the authorities repress them.
Žanr: Drama, Romance
The Young Karl Marx 6.8

The Young Karl Marx

2017 118 min 0Film
The Young Karl Marx
6.82017118 min
26 year-old Karl Marx embarks with his wife, Jenny, on the road to exile. In 1844 in Paris, he meets Friedrich Engels, an industrialist’s son, who has been investigating the sordid ...
Žanr: Drama, History