Digimon: The Movie
Digimon: The Movie
When a powerful new Internet Digimon hatches and begins to consume data at an alarming rate, the Digidestined - kids chosen to save the digital world - must put an end to the ...
Case Closed: The Fist of Blue Sapphire
Case Closed: The Fist of Blue Sapphire
The world's greatest blue sapphire, the "blue lapis fist", said to have sunk in a pirate ship in the late 19th century, on the coasts of Singapore. A local millionaire plots to retrieve ...
Dragon Ball: The Path to Power
Dragon Ball: The Path to Power
A retelling of Dragon Ball's origin with a different take on the meeting of Goku, Bulma, and Kame-Sen'nin. It also retells the Red Ribbon Army story; but this time they find Goku rather ...